Thursday, April 29, 2010
Novel Approach
Been there. Not done that. Osmosis doesn't work. Just thinking about it doesn't work. Talking about it really doesn't work.
What may work? To paraphrase Dorothy Parker: putting the ass in the chair and hitting the keyboard-- or if you're like me-- the legal pad. And without a Rosetta Stone I can hardly read my own chicken scratch. So I'm motivated to head to the computer for that first re-write. Now that works for me. Most of the time.
Try it. And if you need more motivational nudges, keep coming back. You can also call or write for a creativity coaching consultation. The first session's on me.
Drive safe. play nice. Think peace.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Putting Off Procrastination

"Do Not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -- George Herbert, English author (1593-1633)
Wish I said that. I say it--or something like-- it almost everyday. To my clients. And to myself. So many of us procrastinate, squandering valuable time and energy.
It sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but when it comes to creative endeavors, think less, and do more. Of course, there's almost always some thinking involved. But don't think your way out of a project. And don't talk about it before or during the creative process. You will defuse the flow of creative energy and often abandon the project once it's been released into the universe as a spoken idea.
I know many artists who've sabotaged themselves in this way. I've done it myself. It's exhilarating to talk about what you're doing while you're doing it. But it's far more thrilling once the work is completed--or at least--well on its way.
If you've been putting off a creative project--a poem, story, book,song, painting, garden, etc,-- now is the time to start. Don't waste time worrying about the daunting scope of the project. You can't possibly finish it all at once. All I ask is that you take one small step. Today. Spend whatever time you can spare. Even an hour. Even fifteen minutes.
If you need a nudge, if you crave permission: I'm giving it to you now. This is my gift to you: time to revel in your own creative playground.
And please don't fret over results. Just enjoy the process today. And tomorrow, too. After that we'll get serious. About play.
The only thing to put off today is procrastination.
If you'd like to discuss how a creativity coach can help you play with your artistic blocks and find your true voice, call me: (914)939-5579. Or e-mail me:'s start a creative conversation.
Drive safe. Play nice. Think peace.
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