Thursday, April 29, 2010

Novel Approach

Been there. Not done that. Osmosis doesn't work. Just thinking about it doesn't work. Talking about it really doesn't work.

What may work? To paraphrase Dorothy Parker: putting the ass in the chair and hitting the keyboard-- or if you're like me-- the legal pad. And without a Rosetta Stone I can hardly read my own chicken scratch. So I'm motivated to head to the computer for that first re-write. Now that works for me. Most of the time.

Try it. And if you need more motivational nudges, keep coming back. You can also call or write for a creativity coaching consultation. The first session's on me.

Drive safe. play nice. Think peace.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

absolutely, work you're passionate about still requires effort... It's odd how much effort gets put into ways to distract from that when it could be put to bits and pieces of what matters.